Officer Complaint or Compliment
It is the policy of the St. Albans Police Department to ensure that the integrity of the department is vigilantly guarded by investigating all complaints alleging misconduct by an employee, sworn, or non-sworn; such complaints may be filed by the public or by employees of the department. All complaints will be investigated thoroughly, fairly, impartially, and expeditiously.
If you are pleased with an interaction from us, we welcome praise and compliments about individual members of our department. The information you provide helps us to recognize and share examples of good practice in order to improve the service we deliver. We will pass your comments on to the employee and their supervisor. If you would like to thank a specific officer who has helped you, but you don’t know their name, fill in as much of the online praise form as you can. This will help us find the officer and pass your thanks on to him/her.
If a citizen wishes to file a complaint they may use the Officer Complaint Form and return it to the Police Department or City Hall.